WATER CLARIFIER: when properly applied, this water clarifier will effectively coagulate and flocculate a wide variety of suspended solids.
Application Rate: 1 gallon treats from 100,000 g – 325,000 g of water.
Shelf Life: Best if used within 2 years.
Finally, a biodegradable product that will clear up murky water within minutes.
Drops mud and suspends silt immediately.
Brings suspended solids together into large balls and then drops them overnight.
Biodegradable clarifier that leaves behind no residue.
Amount of F-20 Enviro-Clear needed is determined by how foul the water is.
Can be mechanically injected making treatment labor free.
Allows the lake manager to dictate the degree of clarity that is desired.
One treatment will last from several weeks to several months.
Highly concentrated. One gallon treats 100,000-325,000 gallons of water.
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