ProfiDrum Filters

Three Stages of Filtration

The filter is of key importance in keeping your Koi pond water crystal-clear and free of chemical pollutants. Our line of filters are designed to meet a wide range of needs, for both large and small ponds. Our line of filters provide one or more of three types of Pond Filters and filtration are:

* Biological Filtration
* Mechanical Filtration
* Chemical Filtration

Mechanical Filtration: Refers to the physical removal of debris from water by materials that trap large and small particles. Polyester Pre-Filter Pads last longer and filter better that other pre-filtration products, even after several cleanings.

Chemical Filtration: Removes pesticides, colors, odors, organic waste, excess nutrients and other harmful chemicals from your pond. Coconut Shell carbon, Zeolite are examples of products to be used in your filter for chemical filtration.

Biological Filtration: This is where your pond filter provides a place for beneficial bacteria to grow on special media. These bacteria remove harmful pollutants from pond water. Known as the “Biological Filter” these beneficial bacteria convert poisonous compounds such as ammonia and nitrite, into less toxic nitrate. The end by-product, nitrate, is used as a food source by aquatic plants. This continuous process is called the nitrogen cycle.

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